Plant a Tree
Trees as climate savers
Trees are real climate protectors: They absorb CO2 from the air, incorporate the carbon of the greenhouse gases into their biomass and release the oxygen again. This way a tree can compensate for more than 1,000 kg of carbon over its lifetime. However, trees can do more than just clean the air and produce oxygen. Forests improve the soil properties and create an important habitat for many different animal and plant species. At the same time they also provide a retreat and safe haven for us humans.
Filtertowers, that plant trees
Not only trees are cleaning the air that we breath. Our filtertowers also contribute to clean air, in particular, where you spent most of your time during the day – on the job. With the initiative „Clean the air – plant a tree“ you contribute with the purchase of a filtertower of the FILTOWER-series not only to a clean hall atmosphere but also as a treesponsor at the same time, at a regional reforestation project, thereby contributing to cleaner air in the environment.
The initiative „Clean the air – plant a tree“ is now open until December 31, 2020 and applies to all variations of the new filtertower series. Every filtertower customer receives a tree-sponsor certificate. All planted trees in the forest are assigned with an identification number to each tree-sponsor.
A tree

absorbs 5 kg of air pollutants*

creates 130 KG Oxygen*

absorbs 10 KG of Co2*
*per year, values vary according to tree species and size I Source:
Company-forests as a future modell
The ESTA forest extends over close to 1 hectar (=2.4 acres) area and is located only 20 kilometers away from the head office in Senden, in the vicinity of Erbach, a small town in the Alb-Donau-county in Baden-Württemberg. The reforestation project, in which also ESTA apprentices are integrated, is accompanied by large forest owner baron Constantin van Ulm-Erbach as forest-sponsor and is example setting for him. There are coniferous trees and broad-leafed trees planted such as the douglas fir and black walnut, which are considered as especially climate-resistant and resilient. If they endure the more increasing and extreme weather conditions such as drought, heat waves, torrential rains, long cold periods and storms, conclusions can be gained for further reforestation.

Dr. Peter Kulitz
CEO„The climate change of course concerns us as well. We want to contribute with our companyforest to the reforestation in the region but also want to achieve a signal effect – inwards for our employees and outwards for our customers.“

1 hectar forestation acreage creates room for more than 500 trees

100 years project duration

Tree sponsorships for customers and apprentices
We are not only planting trees!
We also feel strongly about energy efficiency whether it concerns our products or within our company.
You can find out about how it exactly works at ESTA and get more information about the topic „sustainability“ on our responsibility page.
We can adapt our exhaust installations to your needs. Tailor-made, modular and individual. Ask us!