ESTA Absaugtechnik & -anlagen





  • "Alexander Kulitz in conversation" - China Family Business Review 12/2019
  • "Kulitz finds out about Smart City in Seoul" - Südwest Presse 07/2019



  • "Alexander Kulitz in conversation: Mission possible" - TOP Magazin autumn 2018
  • "Salem talks - Back to the roots" - Die Wirtschaft zwischen Alb und Bodensee IHK Magazin 09/2018
  • "Kulitz on his lightning visit to the Pope" - Südwest Presse 01/2018
  • "Kulitz’ critique: A blow for the region" - Südwest Presse 01/2018


Alexander speaks as representative of the WJD in the European Parliament on the occasion of the session of the European Business Parliament

Alexander Kulitz spricht im Europäischen Parlament

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  • "VDMA: I want to apply my special expertise
  • VDMA: Germany must not be allowed to become a hermit in climate protection" - Recycling magazine 10/2017
  • "An MP overnight: FDP man Kulitz made the jump to Berlin" - Schwäbische Zeitung 09/2017
  • "More CEOs to Berlin" - Südwest Presse 09/2017
  • "German SMEs" and its future- our hagebau 05/2017
  • "Innovation forces cannot be imposed" - VDMA 03/2017
  • "We need time to integrate refugees"- VDMA 03/2017
  • "Award: ESTA is all for refugees "- Südwest Presse 02/2017
  • "ESTA has been awarded a special award from the Federal government "- Neu-Ulmer newspaper 01/2017
  • "I want to represent business people "- Wir - The magazine for company families 01/2017

ESTA is CSR award winner 2017 - Awards ceremony, 24/01/2017

ESTA ist CSR-Preisträger 2017 - Die Preisübergabe

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Wallstreet-Online, 21st June 2017 about "Junior economists: Politicians must support digitalisation - Alexander Kulitz Interviewed"

Tagesschau dated 16th June 2017 about "G20 summit of young entrepreneurs" with Alexander Kulitz

Tagesschau Sendung: G20-Gipfel der Jungunternehmer mit Alexander Kulitz

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Alexander Kulitz - FDP LVV Donaueschingen 20-11.2016


  • "Send Trump into retirement right away" - Südwest Presse, 23/09/2016
  • "Federal parliament: FDP nominates Alexander Kulitz" - Südwest Presse 29/07/2016
  • "Alexander Kulitz wants to go to the German federal parliament for the FDP" - Neu-Ulmer Zeitung, dated 29/07/2016
  • "Question each law twice" - Südwestpresse vom 07.03.2016
  • "Ignoring the statutes saves the Ulm FDP from embarrassing bankruptcy" - Stuttgarter Zeitung vom 02.02.2016DOWNLOAD THIS REPORT



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