ESTA Extraction


For more than 50 years, ESTA has been the leading firm in the area of extraction and filter technology. With its headquarters in Senden and Ulm, we offer a broad range of innovative products and tailor-made solutions for industry ad skilled trades - for various industries and areas of application.

We can use our decades of experience and expertise to offer our OEM partners the best products industry-wide and allow them to benefit from satisfied customers.


  • Sales support throughout the entire introduction process in the target market
  • Exclusive pricing for resellers
  • Wide range of special solutions (e.g. fastening options)
  • Personal support and technical advice from trained specialists
  • Joint product developments
  • Devices in customer-specific painting and labeling
  • Reliable and fast spare parts supply
  • Country-specific solutions
  • Marketing support for online and offline media
  • Product training in the ESTA Academy

Examples of use

Versatile application examples from practice

In order to give you an insight into our various fields of application with customer-specific design, we present some examples from different industries here.

The OEM series with special painting from ESTA.

Suction arm in custom painting

The SRF K with two suction arms and special paint.

SRF K-15 welding fume filter with two extraction arms

Custom paint finish airbox

Airbox in custom painting

The OILMAC in customized design from ESTA.

OILMAC 800 in customer colors

Industry: Plastics

Industry: Metalworking

Industry: Metalworking

Industry: Glass industry

Dustomat s in customer colors

DUSTOMAT S in customer colors

The exhaust fan in a custom design.

Hydraulically operated radial blower RG 100

DUSTOMAT-16 M in OEM version

DUSTOMAT-16 M in OEM version

The mobile dust extractor of the DUSTOMAT S series with special painting.

OEM version of the DUSTOMAT-160 S

Industry: Printing industry

Industry: Automotive

Industry: Stone industry

Industry: Textile

The DUSTOMAT 16M is a mobile dust extractor in stainless steel design.

DUSTOMAT-16 M in stainless steel version

DDE 300 eco

DDE 3000 eco

The DUSTMAC S is a stationary dust extractor with a special paint finish.

DUSTMAC S-25 in special paint finish

DDE 8500

DDE 8500

Industry: Pharma / Food

Industry: Metalworking

Industry: Flock industry

Industry: Metalworking

The right solution for every industry

ESTA offers customized extraction systems for almost all industries and application areas. The focus is on the following key industries.


Vehicle construction

Food and beverages

Stone working

  • Welding / Grinding
  • Turning / Milling
  • Laser, flame and plasma cutting
  • Powder coating
  • Blasting
  • Machining
  • Grinding
  • Welding 
  • Gluing
  • Casting
  • Painting furnaces
  • Pressing
  • Pneumatic conveying
  • Mixing 
  • Sieving
  • Filling and decanting
  • Dosing
  • Cleaning
  • Grinding 
  • Drilling



Lathe/milling machine with direct extraction

In cooperation with Carl Benzinger Drehmaschinen, we have developed a acquisition element that extracts the CFRP chips produced in the lathe and milling machine directly at the source of origin and directs them to the extraction system. You can see the final result in the video. Watch it now!

Dreh-/Fräsmaschine mit integrierter Absaugung - für Ihre Fertigung

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We can adapt our exhaust installations to your needs. Tailor-made, modular and individual. Ask us!

Do you have any questions about our products or services? We are happy to help!
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