ESTA Extraction
Cyclonic pre-separators ZA


Filter discharge for very large volumes of dust.

The stationary cyclonic pre-separators are installed before the actual filter unit. They are used to pre-separate dry and granulated dusts. Medium and coarse dust particles are already filtered out in advance so that only fine dusts need to be filtered. This reduces operating costs for the entire extraction system. Cyclonic pre-separators achieve a filtration efficiency of more than 90 % with a medium grain size of at least 150 microns.

Gallery ZA series

  • Can be used as a primary unit or pre-separator

  • For dry, granulated dusts

  • Sawing, cutting, separating

  • Grinding, polishing

  • Machining, milling

  • Refilling, emptying, mixing

  • CFRP/GFRP dusts

  • Chemical dusts

  • Rubber and leather dusts

  • Metal dusts

  • Plastic dusts

  • Wooden shavings

Stationary setup

Fixed extraction installations which can be connected next to processing machines or centrally in production halls.

  • Optimum solution for separation of medium-sized and coarse problematic dusts

  • Filtration efficiency warranty explanation

  • Ideal for combination with other ESTA dust extractors

  • Dust collection container in various sizes

  • Different discharge methods (sluices, rotary valves)

  • Available as a steel, stainless steel, or aluminium model

  • Coating for outdoor installation

Downloads & data ZA series

Cyclone pre-separators Suction port
Air volume flow
Interval m³/h
Collection tank
Cyclone height
ZA 50 50 -200 50 1.458
ZA 100 100 -800 100 2.280
ZA 125 125 -1.100 100 2.596
ZA 140 140 -1.200 100 2.578
ZA 160 160 -2.000 100 2.924
ZA 200 200 -2.500 100 3.166
ZA 225 225 -3.700 200 4.128
ZA 250 250 -4.500 200 4.399
ZA 280 280 -6.000 200 4.823
ZA 300 300 -6.500 200 5.086
ZA 315 315 -7.500 200 5.278
ZA 355 355 -9.300 200 5.735
ZA 450 450 -12.500 200 6.449

The noise emissions depends on the installed fan.

ZA Standard design
ZA 50 20820050
ZA 100 20821100
ZA 125 20821125
ZA 140 20821140
ZA 160 20821160
ZA 200 20821200
ZA 225 20822225
ZA 250 20822250
ZA 280 20822280
ZA 300 20822300
ZA 315 20822315
ZA 355 20822355
ZA 450 20822450



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Accessories ZA series

Extraction arms

For capturing welding- and soldering fume, gases, vapour and dusts. Connection to extraction system or fan possible.

Extraction hoses

Conveyor connection for solid, liquid and gaseous media. Flexible, vibration-absorbent and noise-damping.

Pipe system

For connecting multiple suction points to a central extraction unit. Extensive range of sturdy, high-quality finish spiral seam pipe parts.

Protective walls

Flexible protection walls for a safe working environment in the welding shop

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